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Writer's pictureanasskourou

How to create many AutoAttendant per user using PowerShell Scripting

Several Administrators and Microsoft voice expert have this need in specifications of different use case implementation , lately so am i , and i had created a script that i want to share with you :

This PowerShell script will have as an entry a CSV file with two columns ( SipAddress and Phone ) , and will cerate for each UPN a resource account , affect a number to this resource account and create an autoAttendant and link it .

# Attention : the Administrator who will run this script needs to have at least this Azure Ad roles in the tenant ( Skype + teams + licence Admin)

#Connect to the 2 modules we will need in this script



$teamsusers=import-csv "name_of_UPNandDID_list.csv"

foreach($user in $teamsusers){$user.SipAddress, $user.Phone}

$count =1

#Start-Transcript -Path "Where you want to save your transcript"

foreach($user in $teamsusers){



$aaName = $user.SipAddress

$resourceAccountDomain = 'yourtenantdomain'

Set-CsUser -Identity $aaName@$resourceAccountDomain -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true

$newAaRaParams = @{

UserPrincipalName = "RA_AA_$aaName@$resourceAccountDomain"

ApplicationId = 'ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07'

DisplayName = "RA_AA_$aaName"


$newAaRa = New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance @newAaRaParams

Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Write-Output “This command will be executed after 30 seconds”


Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $newAaRaParams.UserPrincipalName -UsageLocation US

Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $newAaRaParams.UserPrincipalName -AddLicenses "domainname:PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER"

Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Write-Output “This command will be executed after 30 seconds”

#Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -Identities @($newAaRa.ObjectId) , to check if it is created

# Options

$aaLanguage = 'fr-FR'

$aaTimezone = 'Romance Standard Time'

# Callable entity

$operatorObjectId = (Get-CsOnlineUser $aaName@$resourceAccountDomain).Identity

$callableEntityParams = @{

Identity = $operatorObjectId

Type = 'User'


$targetUserEntity = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity @callableEntityParams

Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Write-Output “This command will be executed after 30 seconds”

# Menu option

$menuOptionParams = @{

Action = 'TransferCallToTarget'

DtmfResponse = 'Automatic'

CallTarget = $targetUserEntity


$menuOptionZero = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption @menuOptionParams

Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Write-Output “This command will be executed after 30 seconds”

# Finally, the menu

$menuParams = @{

Name = "$aaName Default Menu"

# Accepts list, so use array sub-expression operator

MenuOptions = @($menuOptionZero)


$menu = New-CsAutoAttendantMenu @menuParams

Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Write-Output “This command will be executed after 30 seconds”

# And the call flow

$defaultCallFlowParams = @{

Name = "$aaName Default Call Flow"

Menu = $menu


$defaultCallFlow = New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow @defaultCallFlowParams

#Create After Hours Schedules

$timerangeMoFr = New-CsOnlineTimeRange -Start 09:00 -end 17:00

$timerangeSaSu = New-CsOnlineTimeRange -Start 01:30 -end 01:45

$afterHoursSchedule = New-CsOnlineSchedule -Name "After Hours Schedule" -WeeklyRecurrentSchedule -MondayHours @($timerangeMoFr) -TuesdayHours @($timerangeMoFr) -WednesdayHours @($timerangeMoFr) -ThursdayHours @($timerangeMoFr) -FridayHours @($timerangeMoFr) -SaturdayHours @($timerangeSaSu) -SundayHours @($timerangeSaSu) -Complement

$afterHoursGreetingPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "Welcome to the name of your standard! Unfortunately, you have reached us outside of our business hours. We value your call please call us back Monday to Friday, between 9 A.M. to 12 P.M. and 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. Goodbye!"

$automaticMenuOption = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -CallTarget $targetUserEntity -DtmfResponse Automatic

$afterHoursMenu=New-CsAutoAttendantMenu -Name "After Hours menu" -MenuOptions @($automaticMenuOption)

$afterHoursCallFlow = New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow -Name "After Hours call flow" -Greetings @($afterHoursGreetingPrompt) -Menu $afterHoursMenu

$afterHoursCallHandlingAssociation = New-CsAutoAttendantCallHandlingAssociation -Type AfterHours -ScheduleId $afterHoursSchedule.Id -CallFlowId $afterHoursCallFlow.Id

Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Write-Output “This command will be executed after 30 seconds”

# Now, you can create an auto attendant

$autoAttendantParams = @{

Name = "AA_$aaName"

LanguageId = $aaLanguage

TimeZoneId = $aaTimezone

DefaultCallFlow = $defaultCallFlow

CallHandlingAssociations = @($afterHoursCallHandlingAssociation)

CallFlows= @($afterHoursCallFlow)

ErrorAction = 'Stop'


$newAA = New-CsAutoAttendant @autoAttendantParams

Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Write-Output “This command will be executed after 30 seconds”

Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity $newAaRaParams.UserPrincipalName -PhoneNumber $user.Phone -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting

Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Write-Output “This command will be executed after 30 seconds”

$RAObjectId = (Get-CsOnlineUser RA_AA_$aaName@$resourceAccountDomain).Identity

$aaAssociationParams = @{

# As the previous association, array expected

Identities = $RAObjectId

ConfigurationId = $newAA.Identity

ConfigurationType = 'AutoAttendant'

ErrorAction = 'Stop'


Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Write-Output “This command will be executed after 30 seconds”

$associationRes = New-CsOnlineApplicationInstanceAssociation @aaAssociationParams

# Check if resource accounts exist

'user number is:'


Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $user.SipAddress | ft UserPrincipalName, SipAddress,OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy,TenantDialPlan, LineURI, EnterpriseVoiceEnabled

Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -Identities @($newAaRa.ObjectId)

Get-CsAutoAttendant -Identity $newAA.Identity

$count +=1

if($count -eq numberofUPN)





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